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Veliyath Gardens

Tampoi Fruit Plant (Baccaurea Macrocarpa)

Regular price 600.00
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Plant Type

Tampoi / Baccaurea Macrocarpa:

Botanical Name: Pouteria Caimito

Common Names: Tampoi, Lara

Description: Tampoi, scientifically known as Baccaurea Macrocarpa, is a small tropical rainforest sub-storey fruit tree native to Southeast Asia, particularly Borneo. It exhibits a wide size range, from a shrub about 5 meters tall to a large tree with a dense crown, reaching 25 meters or more in height. The edible fruit is harvested from the wild for local consumption, and the plant is also cultivated in gardens, with its fruit being sold in local markets.

Fruit Characteristics: Tampoi produces golden-yellow spherical fruit with a diameter ranging from 25 to 60mm. The fruit is borne in small clusters of 3 to 5 and has soft, juicy, off-white flesh with a sweet-to-sour flavor. It can be consumed in its raw form, stewed, or preserved.

Health Benefits: Tampoi fruit is a rich source of beneficial phenols and flavonoids and contains carotenoids. The flesh of the fruit provides high levels of antioxidants, contributing to potential health benefits.

Bloom Time/Fruiting: 2 to 3 Years

Maintenance Required: Moderate