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Green sapote Fruit Plants (Pouteria Viridis)

Regular price 1,800.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 1,800.00
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Plant Type

Common Names: White Faisan, Zapote de Montana, Yashtul

Botanical Name: Pouteria Viridis

General Information: A medium-sized tropical to sub-tropical fruit tree. Native to Guatemala and Costa Rica. Young branches have brown hairs. The leaves are lance-shaped with smooth edges. Green Sapote is a close relative of Mamey Sapote.

The fruit is round to ovoid. The flesh is reddish-pink, juicy, and creamy with a mouth-watering flavor, similar to Mamey sapote.

There are multiple varieties of green sapote. The skin of the fruit is rough and brownish-green in color.

Nutritional Content:

Green Sapote is high in various nutrients, including vitamin A, calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium.

Benefits of green sapote include being a source of energy, boosting immunity, promoting skin and hair health, supporting gut health, bone health, and potential benefits for pregnant women.

It's also suggested to have potential cancer-fighting benefits.

Cultivation Information:

Bloom Time/Fruiting: 5 Years

Maintenance Required: Moderate


Planting and Care

Prefers full sun and requires regular irrigation

Special Feature

High in Vitamin A, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium


Usually eaten fresh out of hand but the pulp of the fruit is also used to make desserts and preserves. The latex from green sapote trees is also collected on a commercial scale and marketed like sapodilla for use in chewing gum. The wood is also used in construction, carpentry, turnery and furniture panelling.