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Pondoh Salak Live Plants (Salacca Zalacca)

Regular price 400.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 400.00
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Plent Type

Salak Pondoh/ Snake Fruit is a  variety of Salak grown in the District of Sleman, a special province of Yogyakarta that is well-known to Indonesians.

Snake fruit is similar in size and shape to a fig, with a bulbous body that tapers to a point at one end. It has snake-like skin lies three white or light yellow lobes of juicy pulp, with hard, flat, dark brown,  seeds inside. The taste is usually sweet and acidic, with a strong astringent edge, but its apple-like texture can vary from very dry and crumbly to moist and crunchy.

Snake fruit is called the Fruit of Memory in Indonesia because it is rich in potassium and pectin, both important nutrients for brain health and development. It also contains nutrients like thiamine, iron, and calcium, as well as vitamin C.

Common Name: Snake fruit

Botanical Name: Salacca Zalacca

Bloom Time/Fruiting:  3-4 Years

Maintenance Required: Moderate 

Planting and Care

Need to give water on a regular basis so that soil will not get dry. It grows best in areas where annual daytime temperatures are within the range 22 - 30°c, and requires a deep, rich, moist soil and some shade. Prefers a light-textured soil.

Special Feature

Salak is rich in potassium, making the heart healthy. High amounts of antioxidants and minerals keep the cardiovascular system function properly and help in water regulation in the body. Salak is also called as a 'memory fruit' as it has memory boosting properties.


Snake fruit pairs well with nuts and other tropical fruits, and its sweetly sour flavor works well in pies and jams. Snake fruit is a popular on-the-go snack from street venders, and locals will sometimes dip the fresh fruit into a mixture of sugar and salt. Young, unripe Snake fruit is used in rujak, also called rojak, which is a traditional Southeast Asian fruit and vegetable salad dish with spicy palm sugar dressing.