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Pitomba Fruit Plants (Eugenia Luschnathiana)

Regular price 1,200.00
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Plant Type

Pitomba (Eugenia Luschnathiana):

Botanical Name: Eugenia Luschnathiana

Common Name: Bull's-Eye

General Information:

Native to Brazil, particularly in the North-East and North regions

Also known as Pitomba-Da-Bahia, Uvalha Do Campo, Ubaid Do Campo, or Uvalheira

Related to Surinam Cherry, Pitanga, Cherry of the Rio Grande, and Grumichama

Attractive small tree producing yellow, aromatic, globose cherry-like fruit

Bright orange fruit with thin, tender skin and soft, juicy, golden-yellow pulp

Pulp is whitish, slightly acidic, sweet, and has a pleasant taste

Nutritional Content (per 100g):

Proteins: 0.4g

Calcium: 15mg

Phosphorus: 9mg

Iron: 0.8mg

Vitamin A: 30mg

Vitamin B1: 0.04mg

Vitamin B2: 0.04mg

Vitamin C: 33mg

Health Benefits:

Strengthens the immune system

Protects the vascular system

Acts on bone development

Collaborates in the formation of hemoglobins

Cultivation Details:

Bloom Time/Fruiting: 3-4 Years

Maintenance Required: Moderate


Planting and Care

Trees grow very well in containers as long as you provide an adequate size pot for root development. A well-draining soil is of primary importance as Pitomba Tree's roots do not like to be wet and will rot if allowed to sit in water for extended periods. A mixture of soil, sand and perlite is highly recommended for proper drainage.

Special Feature

Pitomba serves as a source of important nutrients for the functioning of our body, such as fibre, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C. Being rich in vitamin C. It helps produce collagen, a protein necessary for forming skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels.


The fruit pulp is used in jams, jellies, and other preserves. Their roots possess antidote properties so its decoction is given orally and applied externally too, they are used to give treatment for poisoned animals.