Common Names: Besengkiang, Katep, Landur, Lengkugang, Petanang, Pistanak, Rengau, Sangkuang, Tekosoi
Botanical Name: Dracontomelon costatum
General Information:
Upper canopy tree, up to 30 meters tall, Belongs to the cashew and sumac family Anacardiaceae. Native to Sumatra and Borneo (Brunei, Sabah, West-, Central-, South- and East-Kalimantan)
The specific epithet "costatum" is from the Latin meaning "ribbed," referring to the leaf veins.
Provides an edible fruit gathered from the wild, Fruits can be eaten raw, having a nice, juicy, sweet taste. Fruits ripen to purple-red
A rainforest fruit from Sumatra and Borneo, often eaten candied as a dessert treat or used as a sour addition to cooked dishes
Medicinal Uses:
Leaves possess antiseptic properties against a broad spectrum of bacteria
Fruits reportedly have cooling properties
Used to treat sore throat, skin inflammation, itch, internal ulcers
Considered an antidote for poisoning
Cultivation Information:
Bloom Time/Fruiting: 3 to 4 Years
Maintenance Required: Moderate