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Veliyath Gardens

Marolo Fruit Plant (Annona crassiflora)

Regular price 1,200.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 1,200.00
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Plant Type

Scientific Name: Annona crassiflora

Common Name: Marolo, Araticum Cortiça, Araticum do Cerrado or Bruto

General Information: Deciduous tree with a dense, elongated crown. Can grow 4 - 8 meters tall. Fruits are widely appreciated and gathered from the wild for local use. The flesh is fibrous, succulent, and sweet with a strong, pleasant aroma. Fruit dimensions: about 16cm long x 20cm wide.

Medicinal Uses: Compounds in Marolo contribute to various biological activities. Activities include antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antitumoral, analgesic, antidiabetic, skin healing, antidiarrhoeic, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, insecticide, and herbicide activities.

Cultivation Information:

Bloom Time/Fruiting: 3 Years

Maintenance Required: Moderate

Planting and Care

Prefers a sunny position in a light sandy soil


Marolos are one of the best tasting fruit from the Annona Family. The flesh is fibrous, succulent and sweet, with a strong, pleasant aroma. Eaten fresh or used to flavour drinks, ice creams, etc.