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Madrono Fruit Plants (Garcinia Madruno)

Regular price 450.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 450.00
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Plant Type

Common Name: Madrono Fruit, also known as Lemon Drop Mangosteen.

Botanical Name: Garcinia Madruno.

General Information: This compact, evergreen fruit-producing tree species is native to the rainforests of Central and South America, including countries like Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia.

The fruit has a yellow color. Underneath the skin, it has translucent whitish pulp that is juicy, slightly aromatic, and pleasantly subacid. The fruit is typically eaten raw. It is also used for making jams, preserves, and drinks.

Medical and Wood Uses: The tree yields yellow latex which is used to treat ulcers and other sores. Its hard and heavy pinkish, coarse-textured wood is used for making furniture, flooring, general carpentry, and heavy construction.

Madrono is a source of Potassium, which helps balance fluid levels within the body. Calcium is essential for building strong bones and teeth. Iron is necessary for developing the protein hemoglobin for oxygen transport through the bloodstream.

Cultivation Details:

Blooming Time/Fruiting: 3-4 Years.

Maintenance Required: Moderate.

Planting and Care

Madrone trees do best in a cool, humid climate, but they also need direct sunlight to thrive. Water young madrone trees regularly. Space your madrones appropriately. Maintain adequate soil drainage and keep the soil moist but never water-logged.

Special Feature

The yellow latex of the tree is used in Panama to treat ulcers and other sores. These berries are used in folk medicine.


Because of the high sugar content, madrone berries are traditionally used to make liqueur. Today, these madrone berries are more known to be eaten as fresh fruit. The taste and the smell is pretty sweet and very aromatic. You can also try them in a salad, with appetizers or use them in a dessert.