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Lucuma Fruit Plants (Pouteria Lucuma)

Regular price 800.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 800.00
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Plant Type

Lucuma (Pouteria Lucuma):

Botanical Name: Pouteria Lucuma

Common Name: Gold of the Incas

General Information:

Indigenous to Andean valleys in Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.

Lucuma fruit is produced by the Pouteria Lucuma tree.

Often seen in dried, powdered form.

Sweet flavor and dry texture, compared to sweet potato and butterscotch.

Globose, glabrous fruit with hard, green outer shell and soft, yellow inner flesh.

Bright yellow pulp with one to numerous glossy, dark brown seeds.

Extremely sweet when eaten raw with a mealy, dry feel.

Health Benefits:

High in iron, niacin (vitamin B3), carotenoids, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Excellent for preventing blood sugar and blood pressure problems.

Contains compounds that potentially inhibit hypertension.

Reduces the risk of type II diabetes and normalizes blood sugar levels with lower sugar content.

Blooming Time/Fruiting: 2-3 Years

Maintenance Required: Moderate

Planting and Care

They will tolerate light frost and average soil, though good drainage is essential. Grow them like citrus trees in full sun with a nutritious mulch to keep weeds away and feed the roots.

Special Feature

There is a lot of beta-carotene (an anti-carcinogen), zinc, iron, niacin (a B3), and fiber in Lucuma. It also has the same amount of calcium as a glass of cow's milk. Antioxidants in lucuma powder help protect cells in the body from free radicals formed when food is broken down. Reduces constipation, heart disease, and cancer by regulating blood sugar levels.


Lucuma can be consumed fresh, out-of-hand, and has a unique, sweet flavoring. The skin and seeds are generally discarded, and only the flesh is eaten. Though the fruit can be consumed fresh, it is more popularly dried and ground into a powder for use as a sugar substitute. Lucuma is most commonly found as a powdered supplement.