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Veliyath Gardens

Cambodian Honey Jack Live Plants

Regular price 400.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 400.00
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Plant Type

The Jackfruit, also known as Jack tree, is a species of tree in the fig, mulberry, and breadfruit family. Its origin is in the region between the Western Ghats of Southern India, all of Sri Lanka, and the rainforests of Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It is a fast-growing evergreen tree with a spreading and irregular crown, that can grow up to 25 meters tall, but is usually smaller, it is particularly valued for its fruit. The tree is widely cultivated in tropical regions, especially southeast Asia and Brazil, for its edible fruit and seed Fruit - raw or cooked in a variety of ways.  

This Cambodian-origin jackfruit with having Flake Color of Orangish Red weighs around 8-12 kg. The fruit becomes sweeter as it ripens, as some of the carbohydrates are converted into sugars. It is often eaten raw at this stage but is also still cooked as a vegetable Having a combined taste of sweetness, Firmness of arils, and a pleasant smell. This variety is ideal as a table snack.

The pulp of young fruit is rich in carbohydrates and is usually cooked as a vegetable.

Common name: Jack tree, Cambodian Jack, Cambodian Honey Jack.

Blooming time/Fruiting: 3-4 Years 

Maintenance required: Low




Planting and Care

It's key to keep the soil evenly moist, regularly weed around your jackfruit tree to prevent other plants from competing for nutrients and moisture in the soil. Mulch around the tree both can help to suppress weeds and to retain soil moisture.

Special Feature

Because of its anticarcinogenic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and hypoglycemic properties, the jack tree's fruits, leaves, and barks have been widely utilised in traditional medicine.


Its edible fruit and seed fruit can be eaten raw or prepared in various ways, making it a particular trait. Carbohydrate-rich pulp from immature fruit is commonly prepared as a vegetable. As the fruit ripens, some of the carbohydrates in the fruit are turned into sugars, making the fruit sweeter.