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Veliyath Gardens

Aguaje Fruit Plant (Mauritia flexuosa)

Regular price 600.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 600.00
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Plant type

Mauritia flexuosa (Aguaje) -

Common Names: Moriche palm, it palm, ita, buriti, muriti, miriti (Brazil), canangucho (Colombia), or aguaje (Peru)

Botanical Name: Mauritia flexuosa

General Information:

Native to the Amazon. Long-lived, single-stemmed, dioecious palm that can reach 30–40 m in height. Grows in and near swamps and other wet areas in tropical South America, Oval-shaped fruit with curved edges, resembling an egg, Averages six centimeters in length and four centimetres in diameter, Firm, glossy, textured skin with maroon-brown segments. Bright yellow, thin, creamy, semi-oily flesh. Large, thick, oval, brown seed, Complex sweet, salty, and sharp flavor with mild acidity, Multiple varieties with different skin and flesh coloring, each with a slightly different texture and flavor.

Health Benefits:

Significant source of vitamin A (an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, important for skin health and vision)

Excellent source of vitamin C (antioxidant, immune system support)

Contains vitamin E (protects against free radicals)

Rich in phytoestrogens (natural compounds for hormonal balance)

Promotes skin and hair health

Cultivation Details:

Bloom Time/Fruiting: 4 to 5 Years

Maintenance Required: Moderate