African Breadfruit (Treculia Africana):
Botanical Name: Treculia Africana
Common Name: Ukwa
General Information:
Native to Africa, found in every tropical country on the continent
Tropical, evergreen tree with smooth, dark-gray bark, fluted trunk, and dense, spreading crown
Thick bark releases white, rust-colored latex when sliced
Leaves are enormous, simple, and arranged alternately
Stem cuttings or seeds used for cultivation
Wood suitable for pulp and paper making, fuel, charcoal, furniture, carving, turnery, and inlay wood
Enormous, round, dense fruits with orange seeds embedded in spongy flesh
Culinary Uses: Seeds have a peanut-like flavor when cooked; consumed as dessert after roasting or boiling, Seeds pulverized into a meal, added to soups, and used in baked goods like bread and paste, Seeds processed to produce edible oil
Health Benefits: Good source of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and protein, Substantial amounts of micronutrients, including calcium, potassium, iron, vitamin C, and B3, High biological value of proteins, superior to soybeans, providing good polyvalent dietetic value, Used medicinally to treat swellings, leprosy, coughs, as a febrifuge, laxative, and anthelmintic
Cultivation Details:
Bloom Time/Fruiting: 3-4 Years
Maintenance Required: Moderate