How To Grow Exotic Fruit Plants In Kerala

How To Grow Exotic Fruit Plants In Kerala

How to Grow Exotic Fruit Plants in Kerala: Tips and Tricks for Beginners


Fruits are a crucial component of the human diet and help with nutrition since they are abundant in fiber, vitamin C, and water. India boasts the distinction of being the second-largest producer of fruits in the world. India has the most diversified climates throughout its length and width, ranging from the chilly Himalayan belts to the tropical belts in Southern India. 


Today's supermarkets provide a wide variety of fruits from all over the world in addition to India. Anyone walking down the perishable aisle at the store will undoubtedly have their senses assaulted by the color and aroma of the fruits. Yet, research indicates that locally grown, organic food is considerably superior in terms of nutritional value. India offers a broad selection of mouthwatering, exotic fruits cultivated right here in India. 


The industry is significantly impacted by the rising popularity of exotic fruits and their numerous health benefits. Many individuals are embracing plant-based meals and incorporating nutrientdense exotic fruits into their regular diets due to their wonderful taste and myriad of health benefits. We are here to provide the most healthy and exotic fruits at your doorstep. Grab your phone, order exotic fruits online from our store, and get the best quality saplings in Kerala. 

 Grow Exotic Fruit Plants in Kerala

Here are a few tips to grow exotic fruits plants in Kerala


Select the correct fruits: Before you begin, look at the fruits you want to grow. Among the best exotic fruits are avocado, guava, pineapple, kiwi, and passion fruit. These fruits are pretty tough and, if damaged, can withstand freezing conditions. Install the necessary equipment. The most significant ingredients must be used if you want the fruit to taste as delicious as possible. First, spend money on a premium polytunnel or greenhouse. You can adjust the polytunnel's temperature and lighting for your exotic fruit to thrive.


Aftercare: Give your planting proper attention after selecting and planting your fruit.

Throughout the initial growing season, ensure your plants are adequately watered; watering them thoroughly once a week is often recommended. You should take care of your fruit trees during each season to encourage vigorous growth.


The following conditions must be met for exotic fruits to be grown, maintained, and harvested in India:


  • These unusual Indian fruits can thrive in well-drained, organically rich, or manure-rich soil.
  • They should be planted next to some shade, and enough heat should be offered during the winter.
  • Watering the soil and root boil frequently keeps them wet. Several watering cycles also aid in meeting the need on hotter days.
  • Pesticide fertilization of exotic plants should be avoided for the first two years. Quality compost will release the necessary nutrients for its decomposition.
  • While some exotic fruit varieties require open space, others can survive in patio tubs or pots.


Best exotic fruit plant seller in Kerala


The leading provider of rare and exotic fruit trees in India is Veliyath Gardens. We are India's top source of exotic fruit plants, with a wide variety of more than 1000 of the rarest fruit trees worldwide. On our farm, we carefully develop the best quality exotic fruit plant saplings. The concept of having a small amount of love for cultivation has evolved into having more than 1000 different kinds of exotic trees. We have the best selection of saplings for enthusiastic gardeners, including the Matoa (Indonesia), the fruit with the fastest growth rate, and the delectable Mamey sapote (Mexico), one of the garden's gigantic fruits.


Veliyath purchases a wide range of plants from nations like Mexico and Indonesia. Expert horticulturists help us produce and feed our plants and sample animals. We only use the manure from the cows on our farm to care for our exotic plants. The fruit trees you choose from Veliyath were cultivated organically and under strict monitoring so you may be confident. Due to a combination of all these characteristics, we are the top sellers of fruit trees in Kerala. We specialize in growing the best exotic plants in Kerala by providing top-quality service. Now you also have the opportunity to grow exotic fruit plants in Kerala.  


The best exotic fruit plants in Kerala are available from us. Hand-selected experts cultivate and choose our plants exclusively utilizing organic methods. When the saplings are grown in a controlled environment, they produce nutritious fruits. The exotic organic fruit you will receive if you choose Veliyath will surely enhance your health. Make the right choice to advance your health and experience success. When offering our services, we carefully consider the queries of our clients. Veliyath continually attempts to provide our valued customers with the best service possible because we desire your complete satisfaction. Our exotic plants can be ordered online. The best exotic fruit plants for landscaping and décor are available immediately, so order exotic plants online now!


We simplify your passion for gardening by providing the best exotic fruit plants in Kerala. Now it is easy to easily grow exotic fruit plants in Kerala with the best quality saplings from our Veliyath Garden online store.